Our Mission
Climate Hawai‘i is an initiative of the Hawai‘i Executive Collaborative. Our mission is to foster transformative collaboration among diverse groups in pursuit of a more sustainable climate future for Hawai‘i and the world. We believe the climate crisis demands uncommon partnerships between groups and individuals that may not previously have worked together. In that spirit, our logo incorporates the Hawaiian pewa, or butterfly joint. The pewa symbolizes both joining and repair. By joining together diverse players into a strong, unified climate response, we can achieve the repair our islands and world need. The pewa also symbolizes “renewal of life,” which is what we seek for our island home.
Climate Hawai‘i seeks to create change through a two-prong approach we call “Climate In” and “Climate Out.” It will require a fresh approach and a new kind of collaboration that brings together leaders from multiple sectors—business, government, non-profit, education—to address the systemic barriers that impede an effective climate response.
Focus Areas
Climate In
We support the climate journeys of our pledge signers by helping to inventorying their emissions, set reduction targets and create action plans.
Climate Out
Our work ranges from legislative advocacy to assisting the Counties and the State in setting and executing climate priorities.