The Climate Pledge

Making a Commitment

Committing to take actions within our organization to reduce emissions and increase our resiliency, and to leverage our collective capacities to support an equitable transition to a climate resilient economy, society, and environment for all Hawaiʻi’s people.

Act, Achieve, and Share

Act with the speed, scale, and ambition necessary to solve our urgent climate crisis during this pivotal moment in our planet’s history. Committing to act on meaningful and robust solutions to achieve our carbon emission reduction goals and increase our organization’s resiliency against climate change. Share our progress on our climate initiatives and be transparent about our actions that impact the climate. This will build trust, encourage support, and help establish social norms.

Measure & Reduce

Inventory and track our organization’s carbon emissions annually – including Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions – beginning no later than one year after signing. Committing to inventory and track our organization’s full carbon emissions (Scope 1, 2, and 3) on an annual basis starting January 2025. We commit to set time-bound goals to incrementally reduce our organization’s carbon emissions – ideally to net zero – with the objective of supporting the achievement of a safe, livable climate that limits global warming to 1.5° Celsius. We will aim to set these goals in within a year of signing the pledge.

Engage & Enable

Designate a senior member of our organization’s management as the point of contact for Climate Hawaiʻi. Help enable the adoption of equitable, science-based climate and resiliency policies by creating space for honest and open dialog between members, constructively working to remove barriers to such policy, and supporting meaningful policies that are beneficial for climate adaptation and mitigation.

Partner & Collaborate

Partner with government to remove barriers to permitting and approving clean energy, efficiency, and resiliency projects, and to support government actions that will maintain and expand Hawaiʻi’s climate leadership, clean energy related businesses, and investment opportunities in Hawaiʻi. Commit to a multi-sector collaboration on climate and resiliency initiatives, leveraging our collective political and community influence to spread awareness and understanding, support climate and resiliency actions, and normalize pro-climate behaviour.

Empower & Promote Equity

Support and advance audacious, breakthrough solutions to our climate crisis, particularly those that enhance equity and those connected to the Hawaiʻi Community Foundation’s CHANGE Framework and the work of successful community organizations working on climate change and resiliency on the ground today. Aid efforts to identify and organize major capital formation to create transformational changes for Hawaiʻi’s climate future, such as helping to channel federal funding for resiliency and renewable energy efforts, developing novel approaches to financing clean energy initiatives, and investing in climate resilient development.

To view the Climate Pledge click here