Our Impact By The Numbers.


Pledge Signers


Of the State’s Emissions Represented


Dollars appropriated through Climate Hawai‘i advocacy


Dollars sought through supporting federal requests


Completed Carbon Inventories


Policy Convenings

Gwen Yamamoto Lau - Executive Director, Hawai‘i Green Bank

“We are so grateful for Climate Hawai‘i in building broad and diverse support for funding Hawai‘i’s Green Bank, making needed capital available to fund solar plus energy storage for ALICE (Asset Limited, Income, Constrained, Employed) families.”

Scott Saiki - Speaker, Hawai‘i State House of Representatives

“Climate Hawai‘i gives us an example of the kind of diverse collaboration we need in our state. With the help of Climate Hawai’i we were able to approve a $100M appropriation for the GEMS (Green Energy Money Saver) program and pass the new Solar Hui program to let condo owners invest solar for income families. They came in at the right time to provide all of the support that we needed to pass this critical legislation.”